
​§ 1

Name of the committee is Den Danske Afghanistan Komité, Danish Afghanistan Committee (DAC). The committee has postal address in Hvidovre (Copenhagen region), Denmark.

​§ 2

2 Vision of the committee is to improve quality of life for the Afghan population – with special focus on women, children and vulnerable groups – to provide equal access to health care for all Afghans.​

​§ 3

Anybody who agrees on the purpose of the committee can become a member. The board can exclude a member who counteracts the purpose of the committee.

​§ 4

The assets of the committee consist of means provided as described in § 7. 

The assets must be invested in such securities that according to Danish law can be used for assets in escrow.

​§ 5

The committee is managed by a board of five members who are elected for one year at the annual meeting cfr. § 9. The new board must elect chairman, vice chairman and treasurer latest 3 weeks after the annual meeting. Until the new chairman is elected the outgoing chairman shalll act as chairman. At the annual meeting two alternates shall be elected as well. The board shall decide which alternate shall step in if any vacancy occurs. The alternates can be called to participate in the board meetings but do not have the right to vote.

The board has quorum when a majority participates in the board meeting. In case of a tie the vote of the chairman is decicive. A protocol of the proceedings shall be recorded. The members of the board perform their task free of charge. The board may hire assistance for e.g. secretary work.

​§ 6

The committee is signed for by two of the members of the board one of which must be the chairman or the vice chairman. The board can authorize procuration.

​§ 7

The assets for the work of the committee is provided through collected contributions and presents.

​§ 8

The account of the committee is made by the treasurer and is revised by the auditor elected at the annual meeting. Financial year is calendar year.

​§ 9

The board shall call the members of the committee for the annual meeting with 14 days written notice including an agenda. Proposals from the members must be available for the board no later than 5 days before the meeting. During the meeting the board will present a report of the activities of DAC during the past year and the account shall be presented for approval. At the annual meeting decisions are taken with simple majority except decisions on modification of the regulations which requires 2/3 majority.

​§ 10

The committee can be disbanded if 2/3 of the members present on a called meeting might decide so. Any remaining assets will be transferred to an NGO which at the time of disbanding is active in Afghanistan – if possible in Herat – and if possible has activities within the vision of DAC. Decision of donation of any remaining assets shall take place according to plan presented on the yearly meeting September 2016. 


Thus adopted on the first yearly meeting of Danish Afghanistan Committee November 3rd 1989.

And amended November 1991 ref. § 5

And amended on the yearly meeting May 28rd 1993 ref. § 5

​And amended on the yearly meeting September 21st 2001 ref. § 5

And amended on the yearly meeting September 27th 2014 ref. § 2

And amended on the yearly meeting September 25th 2015 ref. § 10

And amended on the yearly meeting September 23rd 2016 ref. § 10

And amended on the yearly meeting September 24th 2017 ref. § 2

And amended on the yearly meeting September 27th 2018 ref. § 5

And amended on the yearly meeting November 26th 2020 ref. §5

                                                                                                                                                                                               November 2020

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Den Danske Afghanistan Komité

CVR: 13788588​


Ankermandsvej 7
2650 Hvidovre


Telefon: +45 28 11 00 12

E-mail: dac@afghan.dk

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