
Do you want to support the DAC's health and social work in Afghanistan and contribute to positive change in the lives of Afghans?

Support DAC's work through Account Transfer:

0828-0000668230 in Sparekassen Sjælland-Fyn

Financial donations to DAC benefit greatly - the money goes to social causes in Herat such as:

  • Clothing, blankets and medicine for poor families in the countryside
  • soup kitchens where children of poor street vendors can get themselves a free meal
  • clothing, blankets, sports and play equipment, computer equipment and educational materials for the 120 girls at the Fatamazouhra Orphanage
  • mattresses, vitamin supplements and fruit for the residents of the Martyrs' Home for Disabled Men
  • bathrooms and toilets in remote nomadic settlements
  • books and journals for the Ahmad Massoud Library
  • laundry equipment at the provincial hospital General Hospita​

Tak til alle de private personer, virksomheder, fonde og institutioner, der støtter vores arbejde!

Thank you to all the private individuals, companies, foundations and institutions that support our work!

Thanks to DGI, Seniorer uden Grænser, Jacob Jensen Design, Witag, Sportsconnection, Nielaus, Syddansk Universitet, Slagelse Sygehus, Glostrup Hospital, Nykøbing Falster Sygehus, Copenhagen Academic Bookshop, DIIS (Danish Institute for International Studies), DIRF (Dansk International Rednings Forening) Lars Erik Andersens Familiefond, Elly Valborg og Niels Mikkelsens Fond, Røde Kors Trondhjem.​​

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Den Danske Afghanistan Komité

CVR: 13788588​


Ankermandsvej 7
2650 Hvidovre


Telefon: +45 28 11 00 12


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